Be determined to handle any challenge in a way that will make you grow.

Les Brown
1945-, American Speaker, Author, Trainer, Motivator Lecturer
more famous quotes

July 26, 2008

Ineligible for Conversion?

I read an article from about Deaf are ineligible for conversion. No Deaf for Judaism according to what I understood from reading.
Those who cannot hear, cannot fulfill mitzvoth and therefore, believes rabbinical court in 2008, cannot convert to Judaism(Rabbi says deaf 'ineligible for conversion')
The article is full of lame excuses like:

The court ruled in the majority that there was no point in converting her, since the Halacha exempts the deaf from performing mitzvahs; and since the conversion would be rendered insignificant, there was no way to perform it.

The court's reasoning was that since the Halacha says that "one who is deaf, one who is young and one who is a simpleton shall be exempt form ordinance," the woman in deemed incapable of observing mitzvahs, thus incapable of accepting the burden of ordinance, which is the cornerstone of conversion.

To quote an author, Rivkah Luvitch:

"I was upset by his words. The thought that parts of Jewish law categorically prevent admission of the deaf into the flock sent shivers down my spine. What happens if a family wants to adopt a deaf child? The Rabbinical Court would not agree to convert the child. And what if a family wishes to convert and one of its sons is hearing impaired? Will the court convert all but one?"

I found myself swearing with prejudicial pig latin language at this article--I don't want to write them down on this Blog in case I might alienate my Jew Friends. Few things that I don't understood what the problems with this article: First, I had been met Deaf Jews and found them very decent human beings, and very decent Deaf people. Second, I had been sit down with a Jew friend and was taught by him about things in Old Testament so I can understand what Scriptures really said. Few keys that I learned alot from him about Deaf in Bible and he gave me one verse in Leviticus. He taught me about love your neighbor that related to this verse--I will write this verse in few translations down next few paragraphs. Third, I had no problems hanging out with friends with backgrounds in Judaism as long as I respect their belief. Had seen a Deaf Jew in his bar mitzvahs.

Beside the difference between Judaism and Christianity, we believe in same God. I had met Deaf Christians and they are decent Deaf people who believe in what they stand for. I don't see any problems with their conversions as they told me how they converted to. I had been seen the changes in person when he or she converted to Christianity--that's how I learned about the spiritual fruits that I will know them by its fruits.

Personally, I don't understand so much about why the Rabbi have an authority to bar the Deaf from converting to Judaism. It would violate the royal law of love: Love God and Love another. It was already written in Old testament and New testament.

I have to use their Jewish bible, Tanakh The Holy Scriptures for the verse in Leviticus 19:14

"You shall not insult the deaf, or place a stumbling block before the blind. You will fear your God: I am the LORD."
Other translation like New King James version:

"You shall not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind, but shall fear your God: I am the LORD."

Anyway, I read these verses like this, it is about treating Deaf with respect and helping the Blind. If Deaf want to convert to some religions, that's fine as long as they found the truth.

If Deaf can't be treated with respect in a church, it is not my religion.

July 19, 2008

Problems with Facebook and Myspace.

Just wanted you to know about little thing that you never want to happen to you in the court. In past months, I had read few articles about attorneys using Facebook or Myspace to check their defendant to see if anything so negative or find some pictures that give you an impression of what kind of person you are. Also, your prospective employer can look up your Facebook or Myspace to see if you are good to representing their company or not.

As your Deaf Friend, I can make only one suggestion: be careful about what you are posting about yourself on these two, or it will come and haunt you in the rest of your life. Other suggestion: Or not sign up for an account on these two. I, myself, don't have an account with these two for some reasons that I don't see why I should do that. Yea, it sounds nice when I found some online friends but after all free tour, I got some impressions that I had bad feeling about little stuffs--like posting anything personal but I don't need someone to know me or my personal life. Is that "confession"? Should I tell the world that I got busted by cop?

I am only helping you to understand how will it happens to you in court or any future employer who look up your space to see if you are good or bad. If your attorneys tell you to take your Facebook or Myspace down, just do it like hell.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Two weeks after Joshua Lipton was charged in a drunken driving crash that seriously injured a woman, the 20-year-old college junior attended a Halloween party dressed as a prisoner. Pictures from the party showed him in a black-and-white striped shirt and an orange jumpsuit labeled "Jail Bird."

In the age of the Internet, it might not be hard to guess what happened to those pictures: Someone posted them on the social networking site Facebook. And that offered remarkable evidence for Jay Sullivan, the prosecutor handling Lipton's drunken-driving case. Read more:Photos posted on Facebook come back to bite defendants

July 6, 2008

Truck Crash Stirs up 12 millions angry bees

I am not so fond of bees especially I am driving and a bee flying inside my car. Can you imagine that you are a trucker, have to carry cartels of bees? Think about it.

OTTAWA (Reuters) - How do you deal with millions of upset bees? Very carefully
A truck containing 330 crates of bees, about 12 million of them altogether, overturned on a major highway near the town of St Leonard, New Brunswick, in Eastern Canada on Monday, setting free thousands of irritated stinging insects. Police sealed off the vehicle and called for expert help with the millions that were left inside.

Read More: Truck Crash

July 5, 2008

Crazy Oregonian...

Sometime I wondered why that Man decided to do something extreme. I am glad that I am sort of normal husband that my wife is very happy to stay married to me for more than fifteen years--hmm, I hope I counted years right.

BEND, Ore. - Riding a green lawn chair supported by a rainbow array of more than 150 helium-filled party balloons, Kent Couch took off Saturday in a third bid to fly from central Oregon all the way to Idaho.

Couch kissed his wife and kids goodbye, and patted their shivering Chihuahua, Isabella, before his ground crew gave him a push so he could clear surrounding light poles and a coffee cart. Read More: Man flying lawn chair lifted by helium balloons
Whew! It is not me. I bet it is more adventurous for me but I don't have enough guts to do the flying lawn chair. I am very big chicken but don't tell my wife.

Grand Opening!

Here is my new blog since I decided to keep my blogs separated between food and my musings. I hope it will make so easy for me to write something different without any reference to food unless I ate something and vomit.

Whatever come to my mind from any articles, any news and other sources, I might blog this and that, and publish. Thank you for reading my first entry.